We are continuing with our work to exchange information and promote the use of alternatives and the welfare of animals used in research and teaching through collaboration with other organisations both internal to the University and externally.
We held a very successful one day symposium on laboratory animal welfare at the University of Edinburgh’s Medical School in April, where a variety of excellent speakers described their work in the area of viable and effective animal alternatives to 150 registered participants from the UoE. We were also delighted to award scientists and technicians for their efforts in replacement as well as reduction and refinement.
At our recent two day conference held by the JMICAWE in collaboration with the University of Northumbria in Newcastle, we explored concerns as well as opportunities for animal welfare in research and teaching as a result of the upcoming transposition of the EU directive relating to animal use, into UK law. This meeting was attended by influential people from across three disciplines, Ethics, welfare science and law – and we recognised the value of working together to ensure that all aspects of animal welfare were properly considered.
A booklet containing the talks as well as a publication of selected papers will be produced for circulation.